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  • Early check-in upon availability
  • Late Check-out upon availability


The Mascagni group is located in the historical centre of Rome, at Via Vittorio Emanuele Orlando, within walking distance of the Termini train station and not far from the Quattro Fontane crossroads, a magical place in Rome from which you can see the obelisks of Santa Maria Maggiore, Trinità dei Monti and the Quirinale. The hotel sits across the church of Santa Maria della Vittoria, the Basilica di Santa Maria degli Angeli, and the Planetarium.
The Repubblica underground station of the Metro A line allows for easy and quick connection to any point in the capital.
The Fontana di Trevi, Piazza di Spagna, Piazza Barberini and Via Veneto are all only a 10-walk away.


Via Vittorio Emanuele Orlando, 90, 00185 Roma
GD  Latitude  41.9038548   Longitude 12.49479111111111
GMS  N 41°54’13.877” E 12° 29′ 41.248”


Termini station 8 minutes on foot
Piazza della Repubblica and underground station 1 minute on foot
Maria della Vittoria, S. Maria degli Angeli, Baths of Diocletian, Planetarium 1 minute on foot
Palazzo/Scuderie del Quirinale 10 minutes on foot
Via Veneto 7 minutes on foot
Piazza Barberini 6 minutes on foot
Piazza di Spagna 12 minutes on foot
Fontana di Trevi 12 minutes on foot
Pantheon 20 minutes on foot
Campidoglio 20 minutes on foot
Colosseum Roman Forum Palatine Hill 20/25 minutes
on foot
Piazza Navona 25 minutes on foot
Basilica of Saint Peter – Vatican 45 minutes on foot


Do not miss the opportunity to stay in the center of Rome at the best rates: take advantage of our unbeatable offers!