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  • Early check-in upon availability
  • Late Check-out upon availability


From the airport by car
Hotel Mascagni is well-connected to the Roman airports. From Fiumicino follow the signs for Rome and take the Grande Raccordo Anulare. Once on the FIRENZE-ROMA motorway take the direction Via Salaria-Centro which will take you to Rome. At the end of Via Salaria you will find yourself in Largo Benedetto Marcello. Proceed straight and you will reach Largo Ponchielli. Once there, take right onto Via Aldega and immediately left for Via Paisiello. Always right and you will come to Via Pincina. At the end of Via Pincina, you will be in Piazzale Brasile. Holding your left, you will cross the ancient walls and you will be in Via Veneto. At the second traffic light turn left into Via Bissolati (opposite the American Embassy) and then right up to Largo Santa Susanna where you will find the fountain of Moses on your left. Now you should find it in Via Vittorio Emanuele Orlando. On ds at nr. 90 is the Hotel Mascagni.


by metro
The nearest Metro stop is “Republic” on line A or red. The stop is called because it is located below Piazza della Repubblica and is only a few meters from Hotel Mascagni.


from TERMINI train station
Hotel Mascagni is just 500 meters away and you can reach by taxi.


by plane
Arrived at Leonardo da Vinci International Airport in Fiumicino. Take the train to Termini Station, 35 minutes journey time. Hotel Mascagni is just 500 meters from Termini Station.

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