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Direct Booking Advantages
  • Early check-in upon availability
  • Late Check-out upon availability

Luxury Rooms

Luxury and privacy in the heart of Rome

A new concept of luxury and hospitality that combines the privacy of a luxury and contemporary Roman home and the services of a 4-star hotel. Twelve rooms, two of them suites, recently inaugurated, with autonomous entrance with magnetic key card, only 20 metres away from the hotel, where the reception is open and manned 24/7 and where there are also the bar and the breakfast room.
Inspired on the rationalist style of the early 1940’s, the rooms are located on the fourth and fifth floors of a historical Roman building, and are equipped with an internal lift.

Our hotel staff is at your disposal for whatever need you may have.

Do not miss the opportunity to stay in the center of Rome at the best rates: take advantage of our unbeatable offers!